Saturday, September 19, 2009


On Monday we are having a family meeting to discuss the details of our latest experiment. Here's some background on the ideas that are percolating.
  1. Don, my husband of 17 years, has just left the corporate world to discover what he really wants to do with his livelihood. He has lots of great possibilities including: starting his own business, consulting with firms who need his expertise, working on-site and remotely for one company who wants him full time.
  2. I re-enrolled in school the day before Don got laid off. I paid for tuition, bought my text books and made sure my transcripts were all set. The morning I learned of his job loss one of my first responses was, "I just paid a bunch of money for school." His answer, "Well, then that's what we need to do. Don't change those plans." So, I'm working again toward my BS in Business with a Social Entrepreneurship focus. That's a lot of words, but those of you who know me know how appropriate the BS part is.
  3. I also started a business on September 12. It is called Simple Ventures, LLC. My mission is to use small money for big ideas. My focus is in the private sector seeking non-government solutions to fund education and entrepreneurship.
  4. Our four kids get to help choose the change we want to make. We have two middle schoolers and two elementary age kids. For 3 1/2 years we homeschooled everyone, which gave us, as parents, the mind-opening traits we now find indispensable. But now they all go to school, on a modified schedule, and we only work on math and language arts at home. We learn more from them than we will ever teach them, so they are a good instruction crew who will keep us creative and honest.

So that's the background. Here are some of the ideas I have to allow us to live as long as possible on the funds we currently have while feeling a greater sense of peace and plenty:

  • Make our existing funds stretch for one full year
  • Buy nothing new for the rest of the year (certain foods, personal items and seasonal loop holes may apply, but will be limited) beginning October 4
  • Include No More Grocery Shopping in the Buy Nothing New challenge. (Again, loop holes may be required but will be limited)
  • Unplug 9-5 or 5-9. This is to conserve energy and get creative with the resources we have off the grid
  • Research and report about the real impact of living a life in peace and plenty that can be sustained. My question isn't "Is there enough?" I know that there is "enough and to spare," for every single person on this planet. But, at the rate the typical American family uses the extras we would need 2.5 Earths to sustain those choices. My question for this experiment is "What level is enough (plenty) and what do we do with what we have to spare (peace)?"

Your thoughts and ideas, questions and concerns are appreciated. I need you to help me keep this real.


  1. Holy Lots-of-New-Beginnings!

    I'm kinda jealous. :)

  2. WOW, so where are you going to school now?

  3. I am concurrently enrolled in both of the universities in our valley. In one I am an independent study student, and the other has me on the regular roles working toward a business degree.

  4. I like your ideas! I'd love to try some of these. I loved how Don rode his bike to buy deoderant. I've started trying to bike more places with the kids, and not only is it fun and good exercise, but I like the idea of spending more time outside.

    I'd love to know where you get your eggs and dairy from.
